-Current Newsletter-


Not really current, you have to be a member to get the latest club rag. Filled with events, past and future, ads for exotic and interesting arcane cars. Don't deny yourself. Become a member of the club and get your newsletter fresh! In the meantime, here's an old copy:

21st Annual Business Meeting

It's time for the Arcane Auto Society Annual Business Meeting and Road Kill Brunch!

As you old timers know, and you newbies will learn, the approach of Spring not only signals warmer (and hopefully drier) weather, but also the annual migration of bizarre little automobiles and their bizarre little drivers to their traditional spawning grounds on Folsom Street in San Francisco. That’s right, it’s time to head to Paul’s garage! We’ll chow down on our usual wide array of Epicurean delights provided by you all while we critique the work carried out over the previous year on members’ cars, scold them for lack of progress on that running restoration, make excuses for our own lack of progress, marvel at their new acquisitions and evaluate the newcomers (cars, that is). As has become custom, we’ll also plan the coming year’s events and hopefully elect a new and enthusiastically imbued group of individuals to lead our ragtag group of automotive outcasts through our next year.

Which brings me to my next point; you may have noticed the relative dearth of driving events last year, stemming mostly from an overabundance of family responsibilities and teenage misadventures in the Brill household during 2002. In an effort to avoid a reoccurrence in 2003, I suggest you either take my children or elect a replacement despot who may only be saddled with the trials and tribulations of the family dog.

Whether, in your infinite wisdom, you choose to topple the Brill regime (please…) or not, you are required to do the following: Show up at Cowden Automotive bright & early on Saturday April 5 at 10:00 a.m. sharp. Be sure to bring your wife or husband, pink slip and checkbook…wait a minute, wrong commercial. Bring that little Arcane beauty, your significant other and/or the kids and a dish to share with your hungry comrades in Arcanity. Don’t forget to bring along your ideas for the coming year, your enthusiasm and a willingness to make a non-monetary contribution for the betterment of the Club. For example, we desperately need a new webmaster to pick up for Sina. A new Prez with the time, energy and ideas to lead us on a new series of adventures wouldn’t be bad idea either…

We’re looking forward to seeing all of you on the 5th!


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