-Contact Information-

Membership Chairpersons:
Matt & Patty Spielberg
Home: 510-583-1050
Work: 510-886-5751
Fax: 510-886-5780
Email: mspielberg@mindspring.com
Snailmail: 21855 Redwood RoadCastro Valley CA 94546

If you feel an affinity with normally sane, but occasionally arcane, folks like us, feel free to join with us. Dues are $20.00 per year. Make checks payable to: Arcane Auto Society, and send to the membership chairpersons. along with the Membership application, which must be filled out and returned to us before your membership is official.) Welcome!

Join Our IO Group

Yahoo no longer supports groups, you can join us at IO (like yahoo, you need to establish an account first).